Give us a call: +41 79 251 32 69


General questions

Outdoor escape games are interactive adventure games in which you solve puzzles, complete tasks and follow clues outdoors in order to complete a specific mission or achieve a goal.

 Indoor escape games take place indoors, while outdoor escape games take place outdoors and often use a larger playing field.

Outdoor escape games are also great for beginners. You'll have a lot of fun and dive into the world of puzzles together.

It depends on the game, but it usually lasts between 90 and 150 minutes. Enough time to experience adventures together!

Je nach Spielwahl könnt ihr mit bis zu 50 Personen gleichzeitig spielen. Dabei werdet ihr in Gruppen von 3 – 6 Personen aufgeteilt.

Yes, we offer gift vouchers so that you can give the gift of adventure. Use the contact form on our website for the voucher or call us directly. We will be happy to help you.

Yes, we won't leave you out in the rain! In case of bad weather, we will provide you with ponchos and umbrellas so that your fun doesn't fall through. In the event of extremely bad weather, the event can be held in Brig, Visp and Zermatt in a location organized by you. Postponements or alternative dates will be offered by arrangement.

No, not at all! Our outdoor escape games are made for everyone. It's more about your brains than physical fitness. Depending on the location, our routes are between 1 and 2.5 km long.

Of course you can form your own group! It's even more fun to play with friends or family. You can tackle the puzzle adventure together.

Yes, we want everyone to be able to take part. Contact us in advance so that we can make sure that everything is tailored to your needs.

No, don't worry. You just have to be curious and willing to solve tricky puzzles together. Anyone can play!

It must be booked in advance so that we can prepare everything for you. But if you are spontaneous, just ask - sometimes there are still places available for adventurers like you!

Groups and team building events

By all means! We can adapt the game to your preferences and wishes. Just let us know in advance!

Absolutely! We can bring a customized indoor escape game directly to your company. A great team event without leaving the company!

Of course! We can customize the game with your company logo or other personalized elements to make it a unique experience.

Gruppen von 3 bis 6 Personen funktionieren am besten. So kann jeder aktiv am Rätsellösen teilnehmen. Je nach Spielwahl könnt ihr mit bis zu 24 bzw. 50 Personen gleichzeitig spielen. und es entsteht eine tolle Teamdynamik.

Definitely! The games are designed so that everyone, regardless of experience level, can have a great time and have fun together.

Of course! We are flexible and can plan the event so that it fits perfectly into your work schedule, whether during the week or at the weekend.

 Before the game starts, there is a short team meeting and our game masters are happy to give you tips on how you can best work together to solve the puzzles.

 Of course! You are welcome to bring snacks and drinks to make the team event even more cozy. We take care of the puzzles, you take care of the refreshments!

The earlier, the better! Booking early allows us to prepare everything optimally for your team event and ensure that it is a complete success.


Of course! We can organize the team event at a location of your choice - be it a park, a venue or any other place you like.

Absolutely! We can organize special team building activities or icebreaker games before the main event to strengthen the team dynamic and get everyone in the mood.

Absolutely! We can end the team event with a small reward or team award to recognize your team's achievements.


Booking is very easy! Visit our website, select your location and follow the steps in the booking tool. You'll be there in just a few minutes!

Of course! If you would prefer to book by phone or e-mail, we will be happy to help you. You can find the contact details on our website.

No, this is not necessary. You can choose whether you want to pay the entire fee in advance or pay directly on the day of the event in cash or by Twint.

 It is advisable to book as early as possible, especially if you want to play on a specific day. This gives us enough time to prepare everything for your adventure.

Absolutely! In case of bad weather, we have plan B options or postpone the game so that you can still experience your adventure

You can cancel your booking free of charge up to 48 hours in advance. Simply contact us and we will be happy to help you.

 In the event of extremely bad weather, the event can be held at other locations. We will find the best solution for you together.

By all means! We can customize outdoor escape games for larger groups or corporate events. Contact us for customized offers and planning.

After you have completed your booking, you will receive a confirmation email from us shortly. If you are unsure, you are welcome to contact us to check your booking.

 You can change or cancel your booking free of charge up to 48 hours in advance. If something changes at short notice, let us know and we will do our best.

In most cases this is possible. Simply contact us and we will check availability at other locations for you.

Yes, we understand that unexpected things can happen. Contact us and we will check the possibility of a postponement for you.